Why the Hell are you in Tallinn?

Some young people from all around Europe are right now in Tallinn, Estonia. Why? The answer is simple: they just want to make the world a better place. 

These amazing individuals are attending a training course focusing on one of the biggest and most pressing issues of today’s world: media usage and media literacy. They are taking part in and even giving workshops about the different aspects of this extremely intriguing topic.

We asked some of the participants about their motivation in being here. Why this specific project, why this specific country? Here are some of the answers they gave us.

Many of them mentioned the topic itself as the biggest motivating factor: “I have some knowledge about media literacy and I am really curious about other people’s opinion on media literacy. (Piotr, 22, Poland)” Others were more interested in socializing: “My main motivation was that I can meet new people and make new friends. (Asia, 27, Poland)” Last but not least, some participants chose Estonian culture as the source of their motivation: “The culture of this country seems very interesting to me, that’s why I came.” (Pablo, 25, Spain)
So as we can see, there are many things which have driven people to the beautiful city of Tallinn, but after all we are a group of open-minded young individuals who are ready to make a change and ensure that future generations will have an easier task dealing with this fast changing digital world.

Fancy Raccoon, Arctic Penguin, Sleepy Panda, Alcoholic Alligator
